Start healing with a sample anti-inflammatory meal plan


These recipes have been designed to be low histamine, high fibre, blood sugar-regulating, anti-inflammatory and most importantly delicious.

When searching for reduced inflammation we often forget that flavour is an essential component of the joy of food. So, test out these recipes and remind yourself of how delicious good-for-you food can taste.



Golden milk

A warm and cozy alternative to a caffeine-filled latte. The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric give this beverage a beautiful golden colour while helping to soothe your inflammation



Butternut Squash Quinoa salad

A salad that is great served hot or cold. This ancient grain salad will provide you with loads of energy, plant-based protein and leave you feeling alert and focused instead of sluggish and bogged down.



Salmon and sweet potato salad

Healthy fats are an integral component of reducing overall stress and inflammation in the body. Fats not only help to flavour our dish but also assist in reducing inflammation, supporting the immune system and are the building blocks for our hormonal health.


Gut Health


Immune Support