• Personalized

    Each program is developed with the understanding that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to health and wellness. What works for me might not work for you, and the goal of private coaching is to assist you in discovering what truly makes you feel empowered, vibrant and energized.

  • Targeted

    Private coaching allows us to really dig in deep and create a program that works for you. These programs are built for your specific needs and goals to help you find success, understanding and control over your health and wellness.

  • Supportive

    These programs are tailored to your needs and help you discover what works best for you, as such there will be work and it won't always be easy but I will always be here to help carry the load, keep you accountable and support you whenever you need it!

How you’ll feel

more confident and clearheaded with increased energy and deeper sleep

commit to taking control of your health.


How many times have you started a new diet or nutrition regimen only to be let down? How many times have you stood in the grocery aisle frozen with options and not knowing what products are best for you and your body?

Trend diets are just that: trends, which give us a false sense of comfort, rules and parameters to live by for 30 to 60 days, then they wrap up without providing you with any tools, explanation or support.

Instead of this disappointing process, I work with you to help you find your energy, feel great in your body and build confidence and understanding around nutrition. Each program begins with an initial consultation to connect and start learning how to best support you on your health and nutrition journey.

The Initial Consultation


A time to share your story, your health concerns your personal goals. This first virtual meeting gives us the opportunity to connect, for me to learn how to truly support you and how to develop a program that will be best built to support your specific goals, life and health obstacles.

This initial meeting takes a bit more time so I can really learn how to support you. The meeting will last 60-90 minutes so you don’t feel rushed and we can really dive into what you need.

$175 + tax

What People Are Saying

“Brittany has changed my life! I never felt good, always had stomach issues and lots of anxiety about going out to eat. Within a few weeks of starting my program, most of my health concerns were gone! I feel empowered with the knowledge Brittany has taught me and also incredibly grateful for her support.”

Elizabeth Manser, 1:1 Coaching Client

“Brittany Helped build a nutrition plan that worked for my deitary restrictions and lifestyle. Her plan helped me lose fat and build muscle faster than I could have on my own - all while eating delicious meals and feeling way better.”

Alex Hosselet, 1:1 Coaching Client

Our Services

3 Month 1:1 nutrition Program - $1350+Tax

Ready to get started, build new habits, tap into your energy and feel confident to make the healthiest choices for your body? This program is developed to help you with your weight goals, build healthier habits and better understand how to apply nutrition best practices in your day-to-day life. 

This program is great for individuals looking to make the first steps into feeling great, having lasting energy, improving sleep quality and starting to feel like your best self. Check-ins happen virtually every week to keep you accountable and keep you motivated to move forward. 

Each program I create is specific to the individual client, which means there is no set program that will be followed.

A typical program will include:

  • Weekly 30-minute nutrition follow-ups to discuss progress, concerns and new information.

  • Bi-weekly meal plans to keep recipes fresh and exciting.

  • Unlimited e-mail support throughout the week/months.

  • A virtual folder to house all handouts, meal plans, grocery lists, recipes, and other relevant information.

6 Month 1:1 nutrition Program - $2250+Tax

This program gives you time to turn new lessons into lifelong habits, helping you reap the benefits of your work while learning to navigate life's obstacles. This program allows you to be supported through many ups and downs while learning how to rely on and trust the new habits you are in the process of cultivating.

This program is perfect for individuals who want to make substantial dietary or lifestyle shifts, have persistent digestive issues (typically more than just gas and bloating) or are looking to support and balance out hormonal issues. This program's length provides the time required to identify potential problem areas and make substantial and lasting shifts.

Each 6-month program is created for the individual client, goals, health concerns, etc.

However, some commonalities include:

  • Weekly 30-minute nutrition follow-ups to discuss progress, concerns and new information.

  • Bi-weekly meal plans to keep recipes fresh and exciting.

  • Unlimited e-mail support throughout the week/months.

  • A virtual folder to house all handouts, meal plans, grocery lists, recipes, and other relevant information.



I’m a picky eater, can this work for me?

Each program is 100% customized to the individual, if you don’t like eating something I’m not going to force you to eat it. Let me know what do you and don’t like and I’ll give you recipes that will work.

I like being creative in the kitchen do I need to use the meal plan to be successful?

Your customized meal plans are just an additional tool to help support you and make life a bit less stressful. If you prefer to be creative and are confident in the kitchen you can use your meal plans and recipes as inspiration, you should never need to follow a rigid meal plan in order to find health and balance in your nutrition life.

I’m vegan/vegetarian can I still work with you?

As a Nutritionist, I feel it is important to remain curious and open to all forms of dietary nutrition. If you are a meat abstainer I will create a program to support your health needs and meet you where you are at. Additionally, all of my programs are designed to be plant-forward because we could all use a bit more plant in our lives.

Do you have experience working with autoimmune conditions?

Yes, 100%. However, I am a Nutritionist and not a doctor and although our diet can support our overall health and can help to improve some symptoms it will never replace the support you are provided by your medical doctor.

do you offer payment plans?

Yes, each of the programs can be broken down into monthly payment plans in order to help you budget and plan for each month.

I’m still learning to cook, will these programs still work for me?

Yes, of course. It is my job as your Nutritionist to meet you where you are at, each program is made to help you learn and develop skills as you go, there is no prior knowledge of cooking, meal prep or nutrition required to get started.