Take care of that heart - Heart health month

Valentine's day is around the corner which often means indulgent chocolate-covered goodies, rich dinners, and other ways to share food love with others, but February is also heart health month. So show yourself some love by adding in these heart-healthy foods to help you keep ticker happy and healthy.

Here are 5 simple steps to lovingly support that heart of ours:

  1. Reduce overall inflammation. Our heart is a muscle and, like any other part of our body, feels inflammation. By reducing and removing foods high in processed sugar, trans fats and alcohol, our body doesn't have to fight off inflammation and instead focuses its efforts on keeping you healthy.

  2. Add in antioxidants! The most common antioxidants are vitamins A, D, E and K, and yes, sure, you can acquire these antioxidants in supplement form, but our body likes them best in their whole food form. Making foods like bell peppers, blueberries, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes, to name a few you will drastically increase your body's chances at getting those wonderful antioxidants.

  3. Get those good Fats. Excessive amounts of any type of fat isn't a good thing for heart health, but getting moderate quantities of healthy body-supportive mono and polyunsaturated fats helps to reduce overall cholesterol levels. These fats are liquid at room temperatures, such as olive oil, avocado oil and flaxseed oil. Consuming eggs, nuts, seeds, avocados, flax seeds, chia seeds, and salmon are great ways to add healthy fats into your life. Just a little side note, when it comes to high heat cooking, saturated fats such as coconut oil, ghee, and butter are the way to go; however, if you are looking for a stable high heat unsaturated fat, avocado oil will be your best bet.

  4. Fibre isn't just for keeping you regular. The fibre found in fruits keeps our digestive system happy and provides our body with hydration, the electrolyte potassium and polyphenols, which help clean our hearts up so they can keep beating and being healthy.

  5. Get moving! Although not a nutritional recommendation, movement is just as important as what we put in our bodies. Remember, our hearts are muscles, and like any other muscle, it is important to exercise them regularly. It doesn't need to be crazy sweatband required jazzercise; it can be a stroll down the street with a friend; just get that body moving, get the blood pumping and keep that heart-healthy.

Giving our hearts what they need to thrive helps to promote heart health and will also spill over into all aspects of our lives. Allowing us to feel energized, sleep better, improve focus and overall be happier, healthier people. 

Try one or all five of these changes out, and you will begin to notice those positive changes quickly. 


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